Calle Tres Hermanos - Private (Request Access)

105 Tres Hermanos ($600K)


  • Home Inspections (Geraldine Sheppard) & Property Tittle Investigator (Ricardo Rodriguez Herrera)
  • Debt Certification (CRIM)
  • Sale and Purchase Agreements (Puerto Rico Properties 101)
  • Appraisal Report (Janson Colberg Real Estate Appraisers)


  • Invoices - (August to September 2021)

Operation Expenses

  • AEE - Luma
  • AAA - Acueductos

Closing 105

  • Real Estate Escrow ($110K - 107 & $60K - 105)
  • Change of ownership - CRIM

Short-Term Rental


107 Tres Hermanos ($1.100m)


  • Home Inspections (Geraldine Sheppard) & Property Tittle Investigator (Ricardo Rodriguez Herrera)
  • Debt Certification (CRIM)
  • Sale and Purchase Agreements (Puerto Rico Properties 101)
  • Appraisal Report (Janson Colberg Real Estate Appraisers - $375)


  • Permits
    • Estimated Renovations $20K - Permits Office
    • Construction Permit (PR government - Single Business Portal - signed by Angel Rodriguez Sanchez)
    • CFSE – State Insurance Fund Corp ($1,401.60)
    • Payments to Permits office
  • Invoices - (August to November 2021)

Operations Expenses

  • AEE - Luma
  • AAA - Acueductos

Closing 107

  • Real Estate Escrow ($110K - 107 & $60K - 105)
  • Change of ownership - CRIM

Short-Term Rental